AWS Certified Solutions Architect Professional

Build on your AWS knowledge and learn how to design and manage complex applications on the AWS platform.

About this program

Solutions Architect Professional

An AWS Solutions Architect Professional is a professional who has achieved an advanced certification from Amazon Web Services (AWS) that demonstrates their expertise in designing and deploying complex and scalable systems on the AWS platform.

Role of Solutions Architect

Professional must have a deep understanding of AWS services and best practices, and demonstrate their ability to design and deploy complex, scalable, and highly available systems on AWS. The AWS Certified Solutions Architect Professional certification exam covers a wide range of topics, including:

  • Designing and deploying dynamically scalable Applications
  • Select Appropriate AWS Services
  • Managing risks and security issues

Our training will help you by

  1. Prepare for the certification exam
  2. Hosting your application on AWS service
  3. Providing support
How our training is beneficial for your team?

RadiantTechnoverse provides team to learn key services and get certified in desired technology. We record the training session, so trainees can go through the recorded session. On completing each session assignments and training modules are provided.

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Meet your Tutor
Palak AryaAWS Certified Solutions Architect

I'm a Digital Designer & teacher at BYOL international. Sharing is who I am, and teaching is where I am at my best, because I've been on both sides of that equation, and getting to deliver useful training is my meaningful way to be a part of the creative community.

I've spent a long time watching others learn, and teach, to refine how I work with you to be efficient, useful and, most importantly, memorable. I want you to carry what I've shown you into a bright future.

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